Monday, February 22, 2010


It was Sunday again!! a day I don't like rite now but this was a little bit different as I was equally engaged to my work as I was away from it. I don't say that I like to be at work always but it's far more better then my regular Sunday. I wish that every Sunday I get the work or else I can go somewhere & pass it in some other way than just by sitting at home & getting bored. My current site is little bit delayed as client wants it to be done at much faster rate than usual but I would like to do it fast and hand him over so that I can concentrate on new one. Anyhow, I think that instead of sleeping I'll work on that website now for at least 30-45mins. and after that seriously can't say....


Sunday, February 21, 2010

time & me: killing each other

It's late!!! feeling a little bit sleepy but I don't know why I don't want to sleep actually... I don't wanna do anything now.......... completely out of my mind frame and unable to figure out what's happening? unable to figure out what to do?? and only thing which is happening tonight is

I am killing my time and my time is killing me.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Weekend Again!!!

It's Saturday again and I am feeling so bored right now although have a lot of work to do but don't know why m not feeling anything right now... this feeling is really frustrating and kills me up actually I guess I need a break/ some entertainment but as always there are no plans for sunday again and will be at home getting bored "OH GOD" plz help me out... I don't wanna sympathize myself again. Well I am thinking that I should go n sleep now and get ready to face "Sunday: the day I hate most for now..." and I think that I'll work tomorrow to get rid of this frustration...

Hope no one gets this feeling!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Fone

Brought a new fone today, a brand new Blackberry. I like it, lot of features but I still miss my Samsung as it was with me from my college days and has lot of things attached with it. I am missing my old fone and enjoying a new one. Both at the same time. I feel still the same...


What A Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day, but I am not at all happy not coz I didn't spent the day with my girlfriend but it's because I lost my phone today... I lost my Samsung which I really loved... I carried that phone from last 3 years and I could hold it for next 3 years.. loved it so much but some b******t took it. Actually I didn't lost it but kisi ne chori kar liya... Main thing is that I lost it when I needed it most. Now I need to purchase another one, it's good but I loved my old one.



Today, I am really happy coz I got the approval for my first commercial website. Although I got the rder sometime back but the client has approved it and happy with the website. I am happy today but will be more happier the day when I'll get the payment in my hand. Although I've built some other sites also but they were for me or my organization but this is the website which I built for somebody else and will be paid for it... can't wait for the next working day to hand it over to client and collect the payment check.


Friday, February 12, 2010


I don't know what is going on... I am working and enjoying but still something is missing & I am unable to fill up... maybe it's the friends... Once we used to pass our time talking with friends and finding out new ways of making fun, but now our time passes in finding out ways for making money... How smartly money replaces fun... but it's not that I don't like money... who doesn't?? ;) but I am trying to say is there's something missing..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's a working day

Well everybody says "ohh! it's a working day" but I say "YIPEEE it's a working day" coz I can do something productive now and make something out of the day. I can be engaged in the things which pays me ;). well this is a fact who doesn't want to earn so is my case more I work more I benefit myself. Although on working days I don't get much time to anythings but right now I managed my time to write it down as I was really happy with this.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

No Sunday's Please(for now ;))

Often heard from people that there should be more Sunday's in a week but I don't know why I say that there should bve less Sunday's in a month. In weekdays we are at least engaged in work but Sunday's are seriously becoming a day of boredom for me. Today being a Sunday I spent whole day at home and did nothing no productivity and feeling so bored that it can't be explained. I am feeling that there should be less Sunday's so that I can be more engaged and do something productive. My whole day is wasted today and it's seriously killing me now. Actually it's not only today but this Sunday is harassing me from a month or so. Anyhow, I've passed my day today and looking forward for Monday and my work so that I can do something. ;)

No More Holidays Please!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Remembering Friends!!!

Today while watching television well it's not only today sometimes while watching TV or listening to music I suddenly remember those days which I've left far ago... "my school days". Although those tunes or anything does not reflect or does not relates to that time anyhow but don't know why I remember those moments. Those moments are not bad at all but still why do I remember them. I guess that's because that time is a part of my life. It's OK if I remember that time but what confuses me or I should rather say the question is we do remember the things at a certain point if something related to that flashes through your eyes. But nothing is related to that time then why I remember those moments at all.

Today I watched a movie "ZEHER" which I saw with a very good friend of mine and I remembered my that friend, those were my college days... I am not in touch of that friend because my "friend" don't have time at all to attend my calls and to revert at least... and then my "friend" says "I do not understand at all".... Why do people gets so busy that they don't have time to talk to their "friends" and if they don't consider us the friend anymore then why don't they tell us on the upfront.....


Friday, February 5, 2010

Why Google???

Whenever we want to know anything we "google" it i.e. we search it on google. When going through some other search engines, you'll definitely find that google's search engine is the best. 

But I wonder why GOOGLE is the best???

Microsoft is one of the biggest companies in IT field and there is no doubt about that. But still they are not able to make search engine like google. They have recently adjoined with yahoo to grow their search market. Does that mean one the biggest IT company and one of the oldest Internet company have to collaborate to overcome google's search market.

Why can't Microsoft/ Yahoo make their search engines as efficient as Google's one???

Anurag Mehra